Stick on Door Covers for Care Homes and All Abilities
Our stick on door covers are made to measure and are available on in bespoke designs. We will work closely with you on size and colour choices. These are a good choice for Dementia homes where a resident can have a replica of their own front door put on their new one within the home. For more details please contact us.
Stick on Door Covers Designed for Dementia & Alzheimer's Patients
For the Elderly
Stick On Door Covers provide an excellent solution to improve the elderly's living environment. They are easily applied and can transform the look of any home or care facility. These covers, designed to provide added safety and comfort, offer a touch of familiarity that can help to reduce potential confusion or anxiety. They can be customised to include clear, legible signage, making it easier for the seniors to identify the rooms.
For Care Homes
Utilising Stick On Door Covers in care homes can dramatically enhance the wayfinding and quality of resident's life. They come in an array of themes and designs that soothe and stimulate. These covers can reduce the sterile look of standard care home doors while adding a personalised touch that fosters a home-like environment.
For Dementia Patients
Individuals living with dementia can greatly benefit from Stick On Door Covers. They can be personalised with familiar images, such as a picture of a favourite location or past home. It aids in orientation by making residents feel more at home and can minimise instances of wandering or entering the wrong room, thus reducing distress or agitation.
For Alzheimer's Patients
Providing familiar, comforting environments can help individuals living with Alzheimer's. Stick On Door Covers can be personalised to reflect images or scenes that residents may recognise from their past, which can aid in memory retention and provide a sense of stability and comfort. They also offer a safer alternative to traditional doors as they're not made of hard substances, reducing the risk of injuries from bumping into the door.
At the end of the day, Stick On Door Covers are more than just functional; they offer an opportunity to create an environment that caters to the unique needs of individuals living with age-related challenges, visual impairments, dementia, and Alzheimer's. Their diverse range of designs and customizability ensure a solution for each individual, offering them the respect, dignity, and enhanced quality of life they deserve.
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