- Put together as a group activity for all ages and abilities
- Makes approx 5 craft stick seed holders and 3 suet feeders
- Recipes for making suet
- Something for everyone
- Encourages teamwork
- Great for bird watchers and nature lovers
- Once made and hung outside set up bird-watching stations inside
- If anyone is confined to their bed or room, set one up so they can view it too
- Use the pictures in the Colouring Book to help identify the birds and for suet recipes
- Dont worry about fallen seeds as blackbirds are ground feeders and will eat all the seeds up
This set includes:
- Ball of coloured Poly Twine
- PVA Glue
- Coloured Craft Sticks – for sides
- Natural Craft Sticks – wide for base
- 3 x terracotta pots – to make suet in
- Paints to decorate pots
- Bird Seed
- Garden Birds Colouring Book
- Pk12 Half Sized Colouring Pencils
- Instructions