Bingo Dabber

£2.88 (£3.45 inc. VAT)

Eyes down players! These handy bingo dabbers are just the thing to enhance your bingo experience. Three assorted colours – easier to use than counters that slip and slide off. Wipe off format.

Eyes down players! These handy bingo dabbers are just the thing to enhance your bingo experience.

Three assorted colours – easier to use than counters that slip and slide off.

Why not buy with our Large Print Bingo Cards set – code: LPBC1.

Makes a great addition for any care home or day centre where bingo is played regularly.

Ideal for anyone who has difficulty in gripping small counters – these are easy to hold and take little effort in making a mark. 

Size: TBA. Pack of 3 pens in assorted colours.

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