Match The Film Title Set 1

£33.68 (£40.41 inc. VAT)

For ‘Film Buffs’ everywhere, Match the Film Title Set 1 – our latest edition in the ‘Match The…’ series. 30 classic film titles to match up including: ‘The Wizard Of Oz’ and ‘The Longest Day’. 60 wipe-clean tiles in large, bold print that are easy to grip for older hands. Makes a fun care home activity for people of all abilities.

For ‘Film Buffs’ everywhere, our latest edition in the ‘Match The…’ series. 30 classic film titles to match up including: ‘The Wizard/Of Oz’ and ‘The Longest/Day’.

30 various catchphrases in large, bold print on wipe-clean plastic tiles. Answer card included.

This will make a great activity for families to play together. Especially useful for anyone with a dementia as can be used to trigger past memories.

Set includes:

  • 30 film title tiles (split in two, so makes 60 in total)
  • laminated answer card
  • yellow cotton drawstring bag

See others in the range including: Match the Song Titles or Match the Foods.

  • Can be played as a group activiy with one person reading out one half of the title – players call out the other half. If they are correct, they keep the tile. Winner is the person with the most winning pairs.
  • Why not play as a game of ‘pairs’ by placing the tiles face down on a table and turing over 2, if they match you keep them, if not place them down ready for the next player. Helps with memory recall.
  • Add exra fun to the game by also naming a famous actor or character from the film (or nominate another player to do).
  • Select a film title at random and give everyone a piece of paper. How many words can you make from the title.

Tile size: (l) various (w) 3cm x (h) 0.3cm.

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