The Quiz Toss and Talk Ball is a fantastic way to spark conversations, strengthen connections, and encourage gentle movement in group settings. This oversized, lightweight ball is easy to catch and throw, making it perfect for all ages and abilities, including wheelchair users.
Perfect for care homes, day centres, and social groups, this activity promotes interaction, laughter, and a sense of community while providing a light physical workout, it’s a wonderful tool for bringing people together!
Questions shown in white writing on either a red star or a blue star include:
- Famous Tv Cartoons
- Types of Flowers
- Things that Fly
- Cuts of Meat
With the Quiz Questions having more than one answer, you could go round the room to ask the same question, by getting the person holding the ball to answer the question and then throwing the ball to someone else and so on, the person catching the ball has the power to change the question as they catch the ball, but they need to be quick and shout ‘Change’ as they catch the ball and then the question is where there right thumb is. If they don’t answer or shout they are then out of the game.
This is a great game to try and get people out as you may be the last person to think of a correct answer, you would then throw the ball that is a strong player to try and get them out.
Ball measures 60cm in diameter
Air inflated – either from you or a Pump
A balloon pump also works to inflate the balls.
Material: PVC
Wipeable to clean.