Our Fun Sensory Kit is guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone’s face.
Packed with items to touch, smell, bounce, and stretch.
Vibrant colours and different textures make this ideal for people of all abilities.
Useful for group activity sessions, pass them around and talk about how they make everybody feel.
(please note, that items may vary according to availability).
See also Active Hands Kit and Busy Hands Kit.
- Why not use for a memory game with a difference – Blindfold players and place items on a table and secretly take various items away. Players have to gues which item is missing by feeling and shaking.
- Use cotton bag as a feely bag – place household items inside for players to feel and guess what they are (spoon/shell/toothbrush).
- Use the items as a story starter. Make up a ‘tall tale’ of your own and let others continue. Can also use Story Starter Cubes to help with ideas too.